Monday, September 18, 2006

Confetti Spider T-shirt

Originally uploaded by jixichick.
A close up view of the confetti spider t-shirt I made for the festival.

Confetti Owl T-shirt

Originally uploaded by jixichick.
This is one of a series of animal t-shirts I did using my fabric "confetti" technique. i absolutely love this one!

Circus T-shirt

Originally uploaded by jixichick.
Love this! I made it for the craft festival but ended up keeping it for my son Paul. I'll make some more though - they are adorable!

Fabric Flower Pins

Originally uploaded by jixichick.

First Craft Festival Under my Belt!

Originally uploaded by jixichick.

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. I've been busy sewing up products for my first craft festival. A few other mommy friends and I split the cost of the space and we all put our products up for sale. One of us knits and makes adorable hairbows, one made some cute kid-sized jewelry and then I'm the sewing lady of the bunch. The weather was great and we met lots of people. Sales could have been better but I handed out lots of business cards and I've already had people contact me to follow up on doing some special orders. We're going to apply for a few more upcoming fairs. One of my friends is setting up a booth at a festival in NC in October so we'll see how that goes.