I've been tagged by Michal to answer the "4 Things" meme. So here goes:
4 jobs I've had
1. Worked in a Bakery
2. Retail Manager
3. Software Startup Company - Product Development
4. Owned my Own Shop
4 movies I can watch over and over
1. Saving Private Ryan
2. Gone With The Wind
3. The Breakfast Club
4. Breakfast At Tiffany's
4 places I've lived (oops - there are only 3!)
1. Cartersville, Georgia
2. Atlanta, Georgia
3. Kennesaw, Georgia
4 television shows I love to watch
2. The People's Court
3. Project Runway
4. Ugly Betty
4 places I've been on vacation
1. London
2. Bermuda
3. San Francisco
4. New York
4 of my favorite dishes
1. Baked Potato with lots of butter!
2. Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza - made at home
3. Pesto Pasta
4. Birthday Cake Re-Mix ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery
4 websites I visit daily
1. Bloglines
2. Meetup.com
3. CNN
4. WhateverRadio.com
4 places I would rather be right now
1. New York City
3. Quilt Fabric Store
4. At the Park with my family
Tag! you're It:
Kate (KC Quilts)
"Monogram Momma"